Interesting facts

1. Egypt has the oldest stone structure in the world
The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara was the first. It was built in 2650 BC. and would lay the foundations for all future buildings.
2. It was ruled by 31 dynasties
The beautiful Nefertari, wife of Ramses II, of great intelligence and political vision; in fact she ruled the country when her husband was away
3. Tutankhamun's tomb was covered in rubbish
When the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses IV was built, the waste materials were thrown over the entrance of Tutankhamun's, which is just below. For this reason it was not located by the looters, allowing Howard Carter to enter the tomb, and find the impressive image of the intact access door seal.


  1. It is very interesting about finding Tutankhamun's tomb as it was very difficult to find his tomb and other than that finding a pile of rubbish on top of it made it more impressive

  2. The architecture of Egypt seems incredible to me and the history that all the pyramids have is very interesting, the Egyptians built pyramids that measure approximately 146.7 m in height and are very old even before Christ, all this information seems impressive to me, I love this Blog.

  3. I realized that it is a country that has a lot of interesting history and for me personally it was very informative.

  4. I love this country and I hope one day I can travel there, this work is very precise and the country is very interesting, the architecture, culture and history is very good, without a doubt this work made me know a lot about Egypt. Congratulations. :)

  5. Love your work, it is interesting to know more about Egypt. It's great how Egypt is one of the oldest structures in the world, it's a new fact for me, knowing about the dynasties is fascinating, knowing more about this country is an interesting fact, good job.

  6. It seems to me a very constructive project, because you have managed to focus on the cultures, sculptures and interesting facts of Egypt. I certainly think it is a very beautiful and interesting country, thanks to your project I have learned many things about this country.



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